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    刘根起 ,程 方
    山东省医学专科学校皮肤性病学教研室,山东 菏泽 274000

    Herpes zoster in children

    LIU Gen-qi ※ ,CHENG Fang
    Heze Medical College,Heze,Shandong 274000,China
    摘要   [目的] 儿童带状疱疹相对少见,其发病情况国内尚缺乏大规模的调查研究。儿童带状疱疹发生的明确诱因仍不太清楚,免疫功能受损或免疫缺陷相关疾病是其主要风险因素,尤其是白血病和艾滋病。具有正常免疫力和水痘疫苗免疫后的健康儿童依然可发生带状疱疹(包括疫苗株带状疱疹),尽管总的病情较轻,但少数患儿仍可表现为病情笃重、复发和出现严重并发症,值得警惕,因此,宜尽早给予抗病毒治疗。
    关键词   儿童 ; 带状疱疹 ; 疫苗株
    Abstract: Compared with adults, herpes zoster in children is relatively rare, and its incidence is still lack of large-scale investigation and study inChina. Similar to adults, the cause of herpes zoster is still unclear. However, immune dysfunction or immune defi ciency-related diseases are the mainrisk factors for herpes zoster in children, especially leukemia and AIDS. Herpes zoster can still occur in children immunized with normal immunity andvaricella vaccine, including vaccine strain herpes zoster. Although the disease is relatively mild in general, a few children can also show severe illness,relapse and serious complications, which are worthy of vigilance, so antiviral therapy should be given as soon as possible.
    Keywords   Children ; Herpes zoster ; Vaccine-strain
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    全文稿件   儿童带状疱疹的研究进展.pdf (2204KB)
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